Monday, August 5, 2019

Today's USDINR Tips : 06.08.2019

Today's USDINR Tips : 06.08.2019

Whatsapp Number : 91-9094047040 / 91-9841986753

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 ( Paper Trading Practice for Currency Segment USDINR/EURINR/GBPINR/JPYINR )

10:22 AM : Buy USDINR SA 70.87 SL 70.82 Target 70.92 / 70.97 / 71.02
10:22 AM : Sell USDINR SB 70.81 SL 70.86 Target 70.76 / 70.71 / 70.66

10:22 AM : Buy EURINR SA 79.53 SL 79.48 Target 79.58 / 79.63 / 79.68
10:22 AM : Sell EURINR SB 79.47 SL 79.52 Target 79.42 / 79.37 / 79.32

10:22 AM : Buy GBPINR SA 86.24 SL 86.19 Target 86.29 / 86.34 / 86.39
10:22 AM : Sell GBPINR SB 86.18 SL 86.23 Target 86.13 / 86.08 / 86.03

10:22 AM : Buy JPYINR SA 66.53 SL 66.48 Target 66.58 / 66.63 / 66.68
10:22 AM : Sell JPYINR SB 66.47 SL 66.52 Target 66.42 / 66.37 / 66.32

 Free Currency Tips - Cross Currency Futures in India

10:22 AM : Buy EURUSD SA 1.1225 SL 1.122 Target 1.123 / 1.1235 / 1.124
10:22 AM : Sell EURUSD SB 1.1219 SL 1.1224 Target 1.1214 / 1.1209 / 1.1214

10:22 AM : Buy GBPUSD SA 1.217 SL 1.2167 Target 1.2175 / 1.2180 / 1.2185
10:22 AM : Sell GBPUSD SB 1.2164 SL 1.2169 Target 1.2159 / 1.2154 / 1.2149

10:22 AM : Buy USDJPY SA 106.98 SL 106.93 Target 107.03 / 107.08 / 107.13
10:22 AM : Sell USDJPY SB 106.92 SL 106.97 Target 106.87 / 106.82 / 106.77
 SA = Strictly Above SB = Strictly below( Whatsapp : 91-9841986753 / 91-9094047040)

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 Our Blog Information Learning purpose only
                        (Paper Trading Practice for Currency, Equity, Commodity Segment)
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Free Stock Futures Tips|USDINR Tips|Crudeoil Tips|Nifty|Stock Options Tips : 05.08.2019

Free Stock Futures Tips|USDINR Tips|Crudeoil Tips|Nifty|Stock Options Tips : 05.08.2019

                   Free Registration : Join Whatsapp : 9841986753                 
Free Stock Futures Tips|USDINR Tips|Crudeoil Tips|Nifty|Stock Options Tips

Today's Equity Cash Tips

Sell Hindpetro SB 245.8 SL 249.2 Target 242.4 / 239 / 235.6 (Book)
Buy SBIN SA 300 SL 296 Target 304 / 308 / 312(SLT)
Sell Adaniports SB 367 SL 370 Target 364 / 361 / 358 (T2)
Short Axisbank SB 657 SL 664 Target 650 / 643 / 636(Book)
Short TVSMOTOR SB 358.8 SL 362.8 Target 354.8 / 350.8 / 346.8(SLT)
Short ICICIBANK SB 398.8 SL 403.8 Target 393.8 / 388.8 / 383.8(Book)
Buy LICHSGFIN SA 492 SL 486 Target 498 / 504 / 510(Book)
Buy Indianb SA 170.2 SL 167.2 Target 173.2 / 176.2 / 179.2(Book)

Today's Delivery Cash Tips

Swing Trade (1-15 Days ) Buy TATASTEEL SA 400 SL 392 Target 408 / 416 / 424 
Swing Trade (1-15 Days ) Buy CIPLA SA 522 SL 512 Target 532 / 542 / 552

Today's Equity Stock Futures Tips

Short Reliance Fut SB 1145 SL 1170 Target 1120 / 1095 / 1070(Book)
Short Kotakbank fut SB 1486 SL 1497 Target 1475 / 1464 / 1453(T1)
Short SRTRANSFIN Fut SB 961 SL 975 Target 947 / 933 / 919 (Book)
Positional : Buy BAJAJAUTO Fut SA 2628 SL 2568 Target 2688 / 2748 / 2808 (Book)
Buy Nifty Fut SA 10867 SL 10822 Target 10912 / 10957 / 11002(SLT)
Buy Banknifty Fut SA 27700 SL 27550 Target 27850 / 28000 / 28150(T1)

Today's Equity Stock Options Tips

Positional CALL Option STRIKE 2700 : Buy BAJAJAUTO CE Sa 48 SL 29.3 Target 66.7 / 85.4 / 104.2 (Book @ 58.60)
Positional CALL Option STRIKE 300 : Buy SBIN CE Sa 12.8 SL 8.6 Target 17.0 / 21.2 / 25.5(Open)

Today's Index Options Tips 

Put Option STRIKE 10850 : Buy NIFTY(08 Aug)Pe Sa 102 SL 80.6 Target 123.4 / 144.8 / 166.3(T1)
CALL Option STRIKE 28000 : Buy BANKNIFTY CE (08AUG ) Sa 170 SL 88.4 Target 251.6 / 333.2 / 414.8(Book)

Today Currency Futures Tips

Buy GBPINR SA 85.76 SL 85.64 Target 85.88 / 86.00 / 86.12 (T3)
 Buy USDINR SA 70.42 SL 70.34 Target 70.50 / 70.58 / 70.66(T3)
Buy JPYINR SA 66.54 SL 66.42 Target 66.66 / 66.78 / 66.90(T3)
Buy EURINR SA 78.81 SL 78.69 Target 78.93 / 79.05 / 79.17 (T3)
Buy USDINR SA 70.70 SL 70.62 Target 70.78 / 70.86 / 70.94 (T1)
Short GBPINR Sb 85.82 SL 85.94 Target 85.70 / 85.58 / 85.46 (T3)
Short USDINR Sb 70.55 SL 70.63 Target 70.47 / 70.39 / 70.31 (T1)
Buy EURINR SA 78.75 SL 78.67 Target 78.83 / 78.91 / 78.99 (T3)

Today 's Commodity Futures Tips

Buy Zincmini SA 190.0 SL 188.5 Target. 191.5 / 193.0 / 194.5 (Open)
Buy Zinc SA 190 SL 189 Target 191 / 192 / 193 (SLT)
Buy Leadmini SA 152.9 SL 151.4 Target. 154.4 / 155.9 / 157.4 (Open)
Buy Silver(Sep) Sa 42377 SL 42277 Target 42477 / 42577 / 42677 (T1)
Buy Silverm SA 42425 SL 42210 Target. 42640 / 42855 / 43070 (Open)
Short Crudeoil SB 3879 SL 3899 Target 3859 / 3839 / 3819(Book)
Short Crudeoil SB 3867 SL 3889 Target. 3845 / 3823 / 3801 (SLT)
Buy Copper SA 435.0 SL 432.0 Target. 438.0 / 441.0 / 444.0 (Book)
Buy Nickel(Aug) Sa 1054.0 SL 1047.0 Target 1061.0 / 1068.0 / 1075.0(T1)
Buy Copper SA 436.5 SL 433.5 Target. 439.5 / 442.5 / 445.5 (Book)
Buy Crudeoil SA 3890 SL 3869 Target 3911 / 3932 / 3953(T1)
Short Naturalgas SB 147.0 SL 150.0 Target. 144.0 / 141.0 / 138.0(Book)
Buy Crudeoil SA 3899 SL 3879 Target. 3919 / 3939 / 3959(Book)

Todays ICEX  Diamond Tips (

Buy Diamond (1CT-Sep) SA 3535 SL 3528 Target 3542 / 3549 / 3556 (Book)
Sell STEELLONG (Sep) SB 27340 SL 27500 Target 27180 / 27020 / 26860 (T1)
Buy RUBBER (Aug) SA 14450 SL 14390 Target 14510 / 14570 / 14630 (T1)

Today Intraday Levels
Free Stock Futures Tips|USDINR Tips|Crudeoil Tips|Nifty|Stock Options Tips

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Free USDINR Calls : 05.08.2019

Free USDINR Calls : 05.08.2019

Whatsapp Number : 91-9094047040 / 91-9841986753

Click Below Link

 ( Paper Trading Practice for Currency Segment USDINR/EURINR/GBPINR/JPYINR )

03:24 PM : Buy USDINR SA 70.71 SL 70.66 Target 70.76 / 70.81 / 70.86
03:24 PM : Sell USDINR SB 70.65 SL 70.7 Target 70.6 / 70.55 / 70.5

03:24 PM : Buy EURINR SA 78.97 SL 78.92 Target 79.02 / 79.07 / 79.12
03:24 PM : Sell EURINR SB 78.91 SL 78.96 Target 78.86 / 78.81 / 78.76

03:24 PM : Buy GBPINR SA 85.87 SL 85.82 Target 85.92 / 85.97 / 86.02
03:24 PM : Sell GBPINR SB 85.81 SL 85.86 Target 85.76 / 85.71 / 85.66

03:24 PM : Buy JPYINR SA 66.7 SL 66.65 Target 66.75 / 66.8 / 66.85
03:24 PM : Sell JPYINR SB 66.64 SL 66.69 Target 66.59 / 66.54 / 66.49

 Free Currency Tips - Cross Currency Futures in India

03:24 PM : Buy EURUSD SA 1.1175 SL 1.117 Target 1.118 / 1.1185 / 1.119
03:24 PM : Sell EURUSD SB 1.1169 SL 1.1174 Target 1.1164 / 1.1159 / 1.1164

03:24 PM : Buy GBPUSD SA 1.2153 SL 1.215 Target 1.2158 / 1.2163 / 1.2168
03:24 PM : Sell GBPUSD SB 1.2147 SL 1.2152 Target 1.2142 / 1.2137 / 1.2132

03:24 PM : Buy USDJPY SA 106.23 SL 106.18 Target 106.28 / 106.33 / 106.38
03:24 PM : Sell USDJPY SB 106.17 SL 106.22 Target 106.12 / 106.07 / 106.02
 SA = Strictly Above SB = Strictly below( Whatsapp : 91-9841986753 / 91-9094047040)

Free Currency Tips

 Our Blog Information Learning purpose only
                        (Paper Trading Practice for Currency, Equity, Commodity Segment)
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Free USDINR Currency Tips : 05.08.2019

Free USDINR Currency Tips : 05.08.2019

Whatsapp Number : 91-9094047040 / 91-9841986753
Click Below Link

 ( Paper Trading Practice for Currency Segment USDINR/EURINR/GBPINR/JPYINR )

02:20 PM : Buy USDINR SA 70.69 SL 70.64 Target 70.74 / 70.79 / 70.84
02:20 PM : Sell USDINR SB 70.63 SL 70.68 Target 70.58 / 70.53 / 70.48

02:20 PM : Buy EURINR SA 78.91 SL 78.86 Target 78.96 / 79.01 / 79.06
02:20 PM : Sell EURINR SB 78.85 SL 78.9 Target 78.8 / 78.75 / 78.7

02:20 PM : Buy GBPINR SA 85.81 SL 85.76 Target 85.86 / 85.91 / 85.96
02:20 PM : Sell GBPINR SB 85.75 SL 85.8 Target 85.7 / 85.65 / 85.6

02:20 PM : Buy JPYINR SA 66.71 SL 66.66 Target 66.76 / 66.81 / 66.86
02:20 PM : Sell JPYINR SB 66.65 SL 66.7 Target 66.6 / 66.55 / 66.5

 Free Currency Tips - Cross Currency Futures in India

02:20 PM : Buy EURUSD SA 1.1164 SL 1.1159 Target 1.1169 / 1.1174 / 1.1179
02:20 PM : Sell EURUSD SB 1.1158 SL 1.1163 Target 1.1153 / 1.1148 / 1.1153

02:20 PM : Buy GBPUSD SA 1.2133 SL 1.213 Target 1.2138 / 1.2143 / 1.2148
02:20 PM : Sell GBPUSD SB 1.2127 SL 1.2132 Target 1.2122 / 1.2117 / 1.2112

02:20 PM : Buy USDJPY SA 105.93 SL 105.88 Target 105.98 / 106.03 / 106.08
02:20 PM : Sell USDJPY SB 105.87 SL 105.92 Target 105.82 / 105.77 / 105.72
 SA = Strictly Above SB = Strictly below( Whatsapp : 91-9841986753 / 91-9094047040)

Free Currency Tips

 Our Blog Information Learning purpose only
                        (Paper Trading Practice for Currency, Equity, Commodity Segment)
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  Free Commodity Tips : Join our Whatsapp No : 9094047040

Free Currency Tips : 05.08.2019

Free Currency Tips : 05.08.2019

Whatsapp Number : 91-9094047040 / 91-9841986753

Click Below Link

 ( Paper Trading Practice for Currency Segment USDINR/EURINR/GBPINR/JPYINR )

01:16 PM : Buy USDINR SA 70.52 SL 70.47 Target 70.57 / 70.62 / 70.67
01:16 PM : Sell USDINR SB 70.46 SL 70.51 Target 70.41 / 70.36 / 70.31

01:16 PM : Buy EURINR SA 78.62 SL 78.57 Target 78.67 / 78.72 / 78.77
01:16 PM : Sell EURINR SB 78.56 SL 78.61 Target 78.51 / 78.46 / 78.41

01:16 PM : Buy GBPINR SA 85.46 SL 85.41 Target 85.51 / 85.56 / 85.61
01:16 PM : Sell GBPINR SB 85.4 SL 85.45 Target 85.35 / 85.3 / 85.25

01:16 PM : Buy JPYINR SA 66.63 SL 66.58 Target 66.68 / 66.73 / 66.78
01:16 PM : Sell JPYINR SB 66.57 SL 66.62 Target 66.52 / 66.47 / 66.42

 Free Currency Tips - Cross Currency Futures in India

01:16 PM : Buy EURUSD SA 1.1146 SL 1.1141 Target 1.1151 / 1.1156 / 1.1161
01:16 PM : Sell EURUSD SB 1.114 SL 1.1145 Target 1.1135 / 1.113 / 1.1135

01:16 PM : Buy GBPUSD SA 1.2121 SL 1.2118 Target 1.2126 / 1.2131 / 1.2136
01:16 PM : Sell GBPUSD SB 1.2115 SL 1.212 Target 1.211 / 1.2105 / 1.21

01:16 PM : Buy USDJPY SA 105.84 SL 105.79 Target 105.89 / 105.94 / 105.99
01:16 PM : Sell USDJPY SB 105.78 SL 105.83 Target 105.73 / 105.68 / 105.63
 SA = Strictly Above SB = Strictly below( Whatsapp : 91-9841986753 / 91-9094047040)

Free Currency Tips

 Our Blog Information Learning purpose only
                        (Paper Trading Practice for Currency, Equity, Commodity Segment)